Sunday, 10 November 2013


The team have updated the poll now with a thing about the User Interface, please use your time to vote! 

Missedd :/

Sorry I have been busy and I couldn't tell you about the racer comp but it's finished now

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Hangman And Pictionary

It's been a while since there was one of these but that's why there's one tonight! It is at 7:30pm Cho time and I shall see you all at the agents underground then;) 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Lot's of updates!

Well firstly I am going to apologize for not updating my blog so this shall be a long post:
First Update:
The market has been closed as it was not being used very much and it means there can be more time for in game things, in time there shall be an update about transferring your bugs back to your account.
The halloween party in the Chlos lab went well and it rained a lot of items, Jake even turned up. I couldn't make it so I don't know what the items in the rain were. There were prizes for the best costumes and the winners were:

Well done guys!
The spooky story winners were announced, they were:
Waash17, Maya and Camera
(Click there names for vids) Well done guys:)
Thanks for reading