The Chobots team are looking for more people to join the 'Journalist Program' The journalist program is where they show peoples blogs on the top of your Chobots page, which I'm sure you have seen it advertising peoples blogs before. To be part of the program your blog must meet these requirements;
- The blog must be active and have been open for at least 1Month
- ALL your posts must be your own, try and be creative
- Images found on the official Chobots blog are allowed in the blog
Journalists get rewarded with things on Chobots, (Because the official journalists are all round awesome:3) The rewards are stuff like;
- Your blog getting featured on the 'Play Page' at the top
- The blueeee journalist badge on your playercard
- At the beggining of the month you get 1Week free citizenship
- You get emailed about the events, future things, and news before ANY other Chobots
- You will get the feather quill item, (it is basically a feather pen)
- You get too make 1Post on the official Chobots blog (WOW!)
- You can contact a mod through PC, even if they have a blocked playercard (amazing huh?)
- The mods all bookmark your blog
- Your blog will be shown on the side of the official Chobots blog
- You will have a purple name tag so that everyone knows you are a journalist
You must comment on the post in the comments section on THIS post of the Chobots blog, the word this is linked too the post:D
I sure wanna be a Journalist now, Sadly this blog isn't very old and I am not very active yet, bye well thats me done for now, bye:3
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